Sunday, February 21, 2010

The emotional "love my husband" post.

Something amazing is happening tomorrow.

My husband is going to drive to a new job.

This may not seem amazing. But, for those that know us very well know how amazing it is. My husband has worked for the same company for 16 years. (he started there when I was a freshman in high school...sorry had to throw that in there!!! Only to put things into perspective of course.) We first laid eyes on each other at this job, we fell in love at this job, he was my this job!! He obviously continued to work there after I quit to become a mommy. He worked at many different locations during the span of this 16 years, but he has been a manager for the last10. The General Manager of a particular location for the last 8 I think. This job has physically been exhausting. He may go in at 5 in the morning and stay until 8 in the evening. Then the next day be there at 10 am and work until 9 pm...or go in at 4 pm and work until 2 am. These are all very TYPICAL days in a week. We missed him, a LOT. I was used to doing things alone with my boys. Going to scouts, gymnastics, sports, school events, parties, family events, ALONE with my boys.
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To say Mike is a devoted employee would be an understatement. He is the most amazing employee I have ever known of. EVER. Not just because he's my husband. He makes me look bad. I could NEVER be like him. He is the hardest worker I've ever known. I thought he was amazing...always. But I had no idea how much others loved him. This past week has been so amazing.

When you are the General manager at a place that employees lots of people its a challange. Anywhere. Dealing with stressful shifts, customers, drama, food, adds more of a challange. He did this, wonderfully. He was ready to go, he was just ready for something dififerent. I dont think either of us saw the fall out coming this past week when his employees knew it would be the last. He received lots of cards, gifts, tears, phone calls, texts. They pretty much said the same thing....

"I can never thank you enough for all that you've done for me. You've always been there to talk to and help me see things in a different way. You've been my mentor and made me a better person."

That is a summerization of pretty much what every note said. Lots of notes...even several from ex employees!! I couldn't believe it. I could believe he was capable of this kind of affection, but I didn't know it was happening. Lots of cards and gifts referenced incidents, and inside jokes. I had never been prouder of Mike...EVER. It was a weird feeling, knowing that others love the person you love so much and you had no idea!
It made leaving difficult. Not the job, but the people. They were all upset he was leaving. But tomorrow is a new life for us. We are scared, really scared. That job has supported us thru the beginning... 3 pregnancies, 3 kids, building a house, all of my endless endeavors, my business, new cars, and obviously countless monthly bills. It's all we know, and its so scary. But it's very exciting. He will have a consistent schedule for the most part, he will be here on weekends!!! I almost cant even imagine that I will be able to cook a meal and know that he will be home!!!!!!!!! It's almost unthinkable.

Most of all, I'm just so happy for him. He deserves this, and he will be wonderful. I know it. I'm so proud I could bust!!
I love you Mikey! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!!


Mom said...

I'm so happy for you guys, I know Mike will be successful at what ever he does. I'm proud to have you for a son-in-law.... :)

Betty said...

What a great blog, Nicole. I wish Michael all the best on his new job. I know he will be just as successful in this endeavor as he has been in the past. Good Luck, Michael.

Anonymous said...

I will be thinking of you today and I know your father will be smiling too. We always knew there were great things to come inside of you. You have proven that over and over and today will be the beginning of even more great things. I love you.


Missy said...

Wow Nicole - reading that gave me goosebumps. I met you at the beginning of your life together with Mike - what an inspiration to know that all of these years later it's still so amazing! Congratulations - enjoy those weekends!!

Tracy McLaughlin said...

I hope today went well!!!! We love you guys!
Great post! We're so proud too!
Love, Tracy & family

Dawn Belshe said...

Your story is so amazing and so very familiar to me too! I only hope my Bob can end up in a new job some day too! We love you guys and wish you all the best!



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